
In Synergy’s acupuncture treatment has a unique approach and uses special techniques for correction. You’ll be treated by experienced and highly qualified acupuncturist Mr. Kema.

To solve your health issues and physical complaints, In Synergy offers a complete solution. In Synergy’s unique approach is qualified by:

✓ The use of sterile, very fine needles
We work with sterile and very fine, special needles. You’re not a pin cushion, so we never use thick and painful needles. Depending on your complaints, the needles will be placed on specific trigger points on your body.

✓ Objective measurements
We take measurements before and after treatment, so you can’t just feel but also see how effective the treatment is.

✓ Modern treatment techniques
Mr. Kema has completed acupuncture and moxibustion training in China, and is an active member of the SNRC and NVA. Combining vision and training, Mr. Kema’s acupuncture treatment ensures you’re what it’s all about.

Why acupuncture?

Acupuncture is beneficial for everyone, regardless of age. An acupuncture treatment can be beneficial if you suffer from:

  • Migraines and headaches
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Pain in your knee, shoulder or periarthritis
  • Neck pain and lower back pain
  • Pain in your face and jaw
  • Post-surgical pains
  • Period pains (primary dysmenorrhoea)
  • Morning sickness
  • Induced labor
  • Mood swings or depression
  • Hyper and hypotension
  • Insomnia
  • Abdominal pain
  • Allergies (such as hay fever, rhinitis etc.) or other immunological complaints
  • Complaints after radiation or chemotherapy

How does

Acupuncture work?

The human body’s made up of many different systems, such as the nerve system and the circulatory system. But also the immune, digestive and hormonal systems are important parts of the human body. In order to be healthy, all these systems need to function properly together. Should one or more systems be disrupted, problems might occur. Acupuncture can restore the balance. The needles used in acupuncture stimulate the nerves, which prompt the systems to restore themselves. This way your body recovers so you can function normally again.

Acupuncture treatment

Would you like to find out if acupuncture treatment is the thing for you? Feel free to book a no obligation, complimentary consultation. Already convinced? Book your first consult straight away. Acupuncture at In Synergy includes:

✓ Highly qualified acupuncturist trained in China
✓ Close examination and personal treatment plan
✓ Member of the Dutch Society for Acupuncture

Complimentary consultation First consult